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empowers you to shift your frequency into alignment w/ your best self

In a safe space, I will guide you through an active breath work practice. Breathwork is the conscious awareness of the breath, through the use of various breathing techniques, patterns and rhythms. It activates, strengthens and elevates our energy and electromagnetic field, allows us to create changes, or shifts in our mental and emotional states, and access non-ordinary states of consciousness, consciously. Breathwork opens the door to personal growth, awakening and transformation through improved mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Benefits~ Your Emotional Being: *Reduce anxiety and depression *Boost happiness, self-worth, self-love *Cultivates emotional release of trauma *Breaks patterns of negative thinking, behavior and addictions Your Physical Body: *Increase Energy and focus *Nervous System Balance *Alleviate some physical pain *Improve sleep, immunity and digestion *Optimize body function and homeostasis Your Spirit Self: *Create spaciousness, clarity, presence, awareness *Access Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness *Support Spiritual Awakening and Healing *Connect to Source and your Highest Self

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